Finding a job opportunity
There are many ways to find out about opportunities available to you.
As well as searching on this website, you could also look at:
- information about jobs in an easy read format on the Your Futures website
- jobs, courses and apprenticeships on the Essex Opportunities portal
- supported learning courses and apprenticeships on the ACL website
- apprenticeship opportunities on GOV.UK
- volunteering opportunities on
- job sites aimed at disabled people recommended by Scope
- vacancies with Disability Confident employers
- job boards for disabled people such as Evenbreak
You can start looking for jobs at any time.
Finding out about accessible apprenticeships and supported internships
The Targeted Employment team can give you more information about supported internships and accessible apprenticeships.
If you're interested in a supported internship, complete this supported internship: expression of interest form.
To see examples of the types of jobs and opportunities young people have already taken, watch:
If your parent or carer is an employer who would like to offer an inclusive opportunity such as work experience they can connect via The Bridge.
Disability Confident employers
By law, all employers must treat everyone who applies for a job equally. Some employers have signed up as Disability Confident. They want to make the most of the talents disabled people can bring to the workplace. Disability Confident is run by the Government.
Disability Confident employers should:
- offer an interview to a fair number of disabled people who meet the minimum criteria for a job
- use the Disability Confident symbol on their websites and job adverts
Find out more about Disability Confident on the Scope website.