Help finding or planning for work

The National Careers Service provides free careers advice, information and guidance. Anyone aged 13 and over can use the National Careers Service. You can use the website to:

  • explore careers to see what options there are
  • read careers advice articles
  • take a skills assessment to find out what you’re good at
  • find a course that will provide you with the training and qualifications you need

You can also get extra support from a careers advisor. This may include speaking to you on the telephone or online. They may also offer webinars or group sessions.

Visit the National Careers Service website or contact them for more information.

Other services who offer advice and support with finding employment include:

Help at school and college

Schools and colleges provide all 12 to 18 year olds with careers guidance. This can help you start to think about your future and to explore your options and the pathways you might take. This could include:

For more information on careers information, visit the Kings Trust website.

Help if you have an EHCP

If you have an EHCP, you will get help from the SEND Careers Advice Service. They can help you start to think about your future.

When you start year 9, a SEND Careers Advice Service advisor will write to you to introduce themselves.

From year 10, your advisor will meet with you to explore your options and paths you might take.

This could include:

  • education
  • employment
  • health and wellbeing
  • independent living
  • supported internships
  • accessible apprenticeships

At college, you may still receive support from your SEND Careers Advice Service advisor up to the age of 25. All students can access careers guidance through the college’s in-house Student Support.

Help if you are not working or in education

If you are unemployed, looking for a job or claiming benefits, you can get help from a Jobcentre Plus Work Coach. A Work Coach can help you to find work or to gain new skills for a job. They can help with work preparation, recruitment, interview coaching and even confidence building.

You can read more about how a Work Coach can help you on the Youth Employment UK website.

If you’re claiming Universal Credit and able to work, you’ll be assigned a Work Coach. You will usually meet with them after your benefits application is accepted. You can get support from a Work Coach if you are not claiming benefits. Contact your nearest Jobcentre Plus to ask for help by phoning, emailing or visiting them in person.

You can find your nearest Jobcentre on the government website by entering your postcode.