Raising a concern or complaint
There are people you can talk to if you need to raise a concern or complaint.
Who to speak to at school
Find out how to raise a school complaint at Essex.gov.uk
Raising a concern about a council service
If you have a concern or complaint about an Essex County Council service, such as education or social care, complete the online form: https://www.essex.gov.uk/complaints
Who to speak to about the your experience with the Essex Child and Family Wellbeing Service
To raise a concern or complaint, contact your local family hub.
Alternatively, you can email the HCRG Care Group who provide the Essex Child and Family Wellbeing service: customerservices@HCRGcaregroup.com
Raise a concern about an NHS health service
Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) offer confidential advice, support and information on health-related matters. They can help you resolve concerns and problems when you are using the NHS.
Visit the NHS website to find the PALS office for the service you wish to raise a concern about.
Raise a concern about the Integrated Community Equipment Loan Service
Medequip provide the Integrated Community Equipment Loan Service. If you have a concern or complaint about an equipment item, delivery or collection, please contact:
Phone: 0333 034 2048
Email: essex@medequip-uk.com
Raise a concern a service from Provide
Provide deliver some health and social care services in Essex. If you have a concern or complain about one of their services, you can contact them by:
Phone: 0300 303 9951