Services List Support at school Find out about SEND support available in schools Education and childcare options Find out about different options such as mainstream schools, special schools, enhanced provisions and home education Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs) Find out what an EHCP is, who they can help, how annual reviews work and what to do if you have one and you're moving Getting to school or college Find out about help available to get children to school safely School attendance difficulties What to do about school attendance What to do when you’re moving home Find out who to inform when you're moving such as education settings, healthcare services and social care
Education and childcare options Find out about different options such as mainstream schools, special schools, enhanced provisions and home education
Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs) Find out what an EHCP is, who they can help, how annual reviews work and what to do if you have one and you're moving
What to do when you’re moving home Find out who to inform when you're moving such as education settings, healthcare services and social care