Alternative Provision

What Alternative Provision is and who can access it

Alternative Provision is education for pupils who are not able to receive a suitable education in a school or setting.

Sometimes your child’s school will offer them an alternative provision package and sometimes Essex County Council will offer this option.

Who is eligible

A pupil may be considered for alternative provision if they:

  • have been permanently excluded
  • are unable to attend school because of illness for 15 days or more, and the school is unable to provide suitable education during that time
  • need off-site provision to improve their behaviour
  • have an Education, Health and Care Plan and the Local Authority considers that it would be inappropriate for the child’s needs to be delivered in a school setting
  • have an Education, Health and Care Plan and are awaiting a suitable school placement

 Read the statutory guidance about alternative provision on GOV.UK.

Health and your child's education

Most children with health needs will receive suitable education from their school. They may attend school with support, or the school may provide education outside of school.

If your child is too ill to go to school because of ongoing medical conditions or other physical or mental health issues, your school and local council will provide support to make sure their education does not suffer.

Find information and guidance on illness and your child's education on GOV.UK

Arranging alternative provision

The local council or your child’s school will arrange alternative provision. This may be full-time or part-time, based on your child’s best interests.

If Essex County Council is arranging the alternative provision, they will put together an Individual Package of Education Support (IPES). The individual package may be made up of one or some of the four types of support, which are:

  • face-to-face tuition
  • online tuition
  • vocational provision
  • re-engagement support

Essex County Council uses the IPES framework to find the right provider for your child. The IPES framework is a directory of Alternative Providers who have met quality criteria and have a contract with Essex County Council

If schools are arranging alternative provision, they may use providers outside of the IPES framework. Schools are responsible for their own checks, including safeguarding, attendance and quality assurance checks. These should take place before and throughout the duration of the placement.

Searching for the right alternative provision

When seeking looking for alternative provision, the local authority must use the IPES Framework.

Your caseworker will write an anonymised referral. This will include information on:

  • your child's needs
  • your child's requirements
  • your child's education history
  • any agency involvement
  • any risks
  • your child’s Education, Health and Care Plan or One Plan

Parents have an important role to play, whether their child is at home or in hospital. Parents and carers can provide useful information that can help find the right provider for your child.

Children and young people should also be involved in decisions from the start. This will help make sure that the right provision is offered and encourage the child or young person’s commitment to it.

The referral is sent to each provider approved to deliver the requested support. Providers are invited to submit an offer of support. 

Following offers of support being received, an evaluation process will take place to find the most suitable placement. The evaluation will look at: 

  • location
  • which provider has demonstrated they can best meet need
  • value for money 

You might not get your first choice. Providers may not submit an offer of support. This may be because they do not have a place or do not feel they can meet the needs at that time. Sometimes another provider may demonstrate they can better meet need.    


It is important that reintegration is included within any planning from the start, including expectations for the length of time Alternative Provision may be required. There will be a plan that sets out how progress will be measured at the alternative provision placement and how to assess when the pupil is ready to return to school. Progress should be frequently monitored during their placement, making sure the pupil’s views are clearly heard.

When the pupil is ready to return to school, the school should provide a package of support to help them return and settle to school. This should include a discussion with the pupil, and their parents, to make their return a success.

If the placement does not end with reintegration into the school – for example, when a pupil reaches the end of Year 11 while still in alternative provision – the school should work with the Alternative Provision to ensure that the young person can move on into suitable education, or employment alongside part-time study or training.

Look at alternative provisions on the IPES framework

Find alternative provisions in Essex