A child or young person with special educational need and disabilities (SEND) will be provided home to school transport where:
- they are attending their nearest suitable school (as identified by Essex County Council) and
- live 2 miles or more for children aged under 8 from their nearest suitable school or
- live 3 miles or more for children aged 8 or over from their nearest suitable school
- where the mainstream low-income policy is met
School transport could also be provided if a child has SEN or mobility difficulties and cannot reasonably be expected to walk to their nearest suitable school, even when accompanied by a parent or carer.
You can read more about eligibility on the Essex County Council website.
Transport for young people aged 16 to 18
Post-16 transport is available at a charge for eligible students aged between 16 and 19.
Support is not provided to independent (fee-paying) establishments.
Who is eligible
Young people who are attending the nearest school, sixth form or college that offers the majority of the course being studied (50% or more of the course) and live more than 3 miles away are eligible.
When to apply
The 2 periods for new transport application assessments are:
- autumn term - between 1 March and 30 September
- spring term - between 1 October and 31 January
Applications received after the autumn term closing date of 30 September, will be considered for January onwards.
You only need to apply once for the academic year. The assessment will cover the remaining academic year as long as the criteria is met, and the charges are paid.
Transport must be renewed every school year.
The standard charge for post-16 transport is £900 per year.
For low income families, the charge is £450 per year.
You can read more about the post-16 transport policy on the Essex County Council website.
Transport for young adults aged 19 to 25
Transport arrangements for adults with an EHCP are considered as part of the adult social care and education assessment process.
Find out more about getting to and from adult social care and education.