Children and young people can sometimes experience difficulties attending school. It is important schools and families work together to understand why a pupil may not be attending school.
Read more about school attendance and absence on It includes information on Special Educational Needs (SEND) and Emotionally Based School Avoidance.
Understanding your school's attendance policy
Make sure you are familiar with the school’s attendance policy. This should make the support available to you and your child clear. The policy should be on their website, with paper copies available in school.
Who to speak to
You may feel your child’s attendance difficulties are a result of their special educational need or disability. Speak to the Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) at the school.
Schools can support you by following the ‘Let’s Talk… We Miss You’ guidelines (Family Edition)
If you are working with social care, they can also support you.
You can also contact the Educational Psychology helpline for advice.
Find out what mental health support is available to you and your child.
Emotionally-Based School Avoidance (EBSA)
Attending school may cause children with EBSA to experience challenging emotional distress. This can lead to reduced attendance and further anxiety about school.
Advice for parents about medical referrals for pupils who are ill, pregnant or have EBSA can be found on the Essex Infolink website.
Find local support
There are groups, charities and other parents in Essex who understand what you are going through.