If you have support in place, and it is not enough

SEND information, advice and support service (SENDIASS)

SENDIASS can offer impartial advice on your situation. They support you in getting your views across.

Find out more about SENDIASS

Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP)

For those that have tried many different support options and adjustments but still need more help, the next step could be to apply for an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP).

Consider asking for an Education, Health and Care (EHC) needs assessment, if your child:

  • has high support needs 
  • has a life-long disability
  • is receiving support from a wide range of services
  • is not making progress even though the support is increasing in type and amount

Learn more about EHCPs

Team Around the Family (TAF)

A Team Around the Family meeting is a way to make sure you are getting all the help your family needs. The meeting will bring together all the current agencies involved with your family. You will explore what's going well and what needs to improve. Together, you will create a family plan.

If you think a Team Around the Family meeting could help, email TAFSO@essex.gov.uk.

Family solutions

Family solutions provides families with one key person to talk to, so they only have to tell someone about their situation once.

That one key person will then help the family find the support they need.

You can watch a video about Family Solutions on the Essex County Council YouTube channel.