Noticing sensory difficulties

Smell and taste

Signs your child is overstimulated by smell and taste

Some people can be overstimulated by smell and taste. This might mean they may: 

  • dislike unfamiliar food, tastes, smells
  • dislike eating with others
  • dislike foods being mixed or touching on the plate
  • gag or vomit at smell or taste
  • dislike the taste of toothpaste

Supporting a child who’s overstimulated by smell and taste

You can support someone who gets overstimulated by smell and taste by: 

  • considering the smells in the environment such as a restaurant or school dining hall and pre warning them
  • doing calming movements such as stretching or chair push-ups ahead of expecting a trigger smell or food
  • considering trigger smells in the environment and where your child is in relation to the smell
  • offer opportunities to try food without pressure or expectation such as having a separate plate for new foods
  • preparing food together to expose them to handling new food before trying it
  • offering choice
  • eating together from shared dishes so you as the adult model good eating habits
  • messy play with food
  • starting with dry foods which are easier to tolerate
  • trying different flavoured or non-foaming toothpastes
  • accommodating brand preferences

Signs your child is under stimulated by smell and taste 

Some people are under stimulated by smell and taste. This might look like: 

  • liking strong tastes
  • sniffing and smelling everything
  • being adventurous with food

Supporting someone under stimulated by smell and taste

You can support someone under stimulated by smell and taste by: 

  • giving opportunities for taste and smell exploration
  • doing calming movements such as stretching or chair push-ups ahead of a time where there will be lots of smell and taste opportunities
  • offering a variety of food with strong flavours and smells at mealtimes
  • offering opportunities for smell and taste throughout the day. This helps to reduce unsafe or inappropriate behaviours 
  • adding flavour to food
  • creating a sensory box of scents
  • providing scented pencils, pens and paper