How it can help
Castledon School works with children and young people with moderate learning difficulties and complex needs.
Castledon School has a range of specialist facilities including therapy rooms, sensory room, soft play area, music studio, swimming pool, animal care shelters and a café where students can develop work skills and gain experience in a real-world setting.
Castledon School has a Speech and Language therapist and Occupational therapist who work closely with teachers and teaching assistants.
Castledon School is a day school. It does not have residential facilities.
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To apply to a special school, a pupil must have:
- an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP).
- complex, high needs that cannot be met in a mainstream setting.
How to access
Pupils are placed at Castledon School by the Local Authority through the EHCP process.
For a child to be admitted, the school must be named, by their home local authority, in the child’s Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP).
Further information on admissions to Castledon School can be found on the school’s website.