Work with children and young people who are deaf or have a hearing loss They are part of the Essex County Council Physical and Sensory Impairment Specialist Teaching Service.
How it can help
Qualified teachers of the deaf, British Sign Language tutors and other support staff offer advice and support to families and professionals.
Support includes:
- advice and support on listening development, language development, literacy development, social and emotional development and audiological needs
- home visits to assess and keep track of how well your pre-school child is doing
- local pre-school groups for deaf children and their families (PIPS)
- British Sign Language instruction for children, young people and their families
- visits to schools, pre-schools and colleges to provide support, training and advice to staff
- advice for One Planning and Education and Health Care plans on what your child or young person needs
- advice and support when your child or young person moves from one educational setting to another
- provision of specialist hearing technology
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Children and young people who have been diagnosed as deaf or having a hearing loss by a hearing specialist.
How to access
Hearing specialists or professionals from Audiology and Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) services usually refer your child or young person.
Sometimes pre-schools, schools or post-16 settings will refer your child or young person.
Families cannot refer children directly but the team are always happy to speak to you. Please let them know your query is for the Deaf and Hearing Support team when emailing the service.
Opening hours
Term time only