How it can help
Endeavour Co-operative Academy works with children and young people with moderate learning difficulties and complex needs.
Endeavour has a range of specialist facilities including a food technology room, a sensory room, outside classroom, gym trail, therapy room and allotments.
Endeavour has a Trust appointed Speech & Language therapist and can offer counselling and creative therapy.
Endeavour is a day school. It does not have residential facilities.
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To apply to a special school, a pupil must have:
- an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP).
- complex, high needs that cannot be met in a mainstream setting.
How to access
Pupils are placed at Endeavour Co-operative Academy by the Local Authority through the EHCP process.
For a child to be admitted, the school must be named, by their home local authority, in the child’s Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP).
Further information on admissions to Endeavour Co-operative Academy can be found on the school’s website.