How it can help
The service accepts referrals for children and young people (0-18 years) with a variety of health conditions and needs that may be short term or for the whole of that young person's life.
The service works with hospitals to try to facilitate early discharge where it is safe to do so and with local emergency departments to try to prevent any unnecessary admissions to hospital. West Essex GP practices can refer to the service to try to prevent unnecessary referrals to hospital and work with the nursing service to jointly support the family to safely care for their child at home.
There are close links with local schools and Early Years settings to support the young person's health needs whilst in that setting providing practical support, education & training of the staff involved where appropriate.
0 to 18
The service is for children and young people aged 0 to 18 years of age that have a nursing need requiring nursing care in the home or other community setting.
Children and young people must be registered with a GP in West Essex to receive this service.
How to access
Referral from a health professional required