NHS - Children's Speech and Language Therapy - Basildon, Brentwood and Thurrock

Provides specialist assessment, diagnosis, treatment and management of communication for children and young people

How it can help

The team works with parents, carers, early year’s practitioners, schools and other healthcare professionals to create a supportive environment for the development of communication skills.

The service supports children and young people who are displaying:

  • Difficulties understanding and/or using words or sentences
  • Speech sound difficulties
  • Difficulties with social  communication and social interaction
  • Language that needs to be supported using alternative or augmentative communication
  • Stammering
  • Language difficulties as part of hearing impairment
  • Voice disorders


0 to 16, or up to 19 with an Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP)


Children and young people aged 0 to 16 (or up to 19 with an EHCP) and registered with a GP in Basildon or Brentwood

How to access

Self-referral or referral by healthcare or education professional, such as:

  • teacher
  • health visitor
  • GP
  • paediatrician

For self-referral, complete the referral form on their website.

If your child is not yet old enough to be in school, you can also attend their preschool drop-in sessions. Dates and locations for the sessions can be found on their website. 

Special need

Speech, language and communication

Area(s) covered




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