A group of doctors who provide assessment, diagnosis and management of children and young people in the Basildon, Brentwood and Thurrock areas with developmental, learning and behavioural difficulties
How it can help
The Community Paediatricians provide:
- neuro disability clinics
- social and communication assessment clinics
- assessment and management of complex needs
- neurodevelopmental assessment of preterm babies
- urgent medical assessments for children who may have been abused and initial health assessments of children taken into the care of the local authority
- advice on health concerns relating to safeguarding, adoption and fostering
0 to 16, or up to 19 for those who are:
- being assessed for autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
- attending a Special School
- involved in child protection processes
Children and young people who are registered with a GP in Basildon, Brentwood or Thurrock
How to access
Referral from a healthcare or educational professional required, such as:
- teacher
- preschool staff
- health visitor
- GP
- therapist