A service that delivers specialist health interventions to adults with learning disabilities.
How it can help
The service has a transition team to help people with a learning disability. They support those moving from children's to adult health services.
They provide:
- nursing
- psychiatry
- psychology
- physiotherapy
- speech and language
- occupational therapy
- dietetics
Support offered from 17 and a half years to people with learning disabilities and their families and carers with any transition related needs.
Treatment and assessment from age 18 years
This service is for adults who:
- have a learning disability
- have a specialist health need
- cannot have their health need met by mainstream services alone
How to access
Complete the online referral form on the website.
Opening hours
Monday: 9:00-17:00
Tuesday: 9:00-17:00
Wednesday: 9:00-17:00
Thursday: 9:00-17:00
Friday: 9:00-17:00
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed