Stay & play and respite sessions for 0-19 year olds with SEND and their families
How it can help
They provide a large range of toys, games and equipment, including soft play, tuff trays with sensory materials as well as having a sensory room. Children have the opportunity to play, learn and develop while parents and carers can enjoy talking to each other. POP provides support staff to support and play with the children.
Respite sessions are available with 1:1 support if required.
Ages 0 - 19
Open to all
How to access
Complete a family registration form (available on request).
Online booking forms are made available monthly and are required to be completed prior to attending.
Saturdays 9:30am - 12:30pm and 1:30pm - 4:30pm
During half term and school holidays, there is an additional session on Wednesdays