How it can help
Trinity Road enhanced provision has two streams. The Early Intervention Scheme supports children with speech sound difficulties which have the potential to resolve within up to 1 year. The Language Hub supports children with persistent speech sound disorders and long-term language needs, such as children with Developmental Language Disorder or Developmental Verbal Dyspraxia.
The support given is a blend of enhanced speech and language support within the classroom, as well as intensive input from a Speech and Language Therapist in line with professional recommendations. Pupils take part in all aspects of the everyday school with their classmates.
Trinity Road's enhanced provision does not currently specialise in social communication as a primary area of need.
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For access to the hub, an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) is required.
The Early Intervention Scheme is for children:
- who have speech, sound or language difficulties
- whose academic and social development is broadly in line with age related peers
- who can reliably focus on adult directed tasks
- who do not need additional adult support in the classroom
How to access
Admissions to the hub by referral as part of the Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) process.
Admissions to the Early Intervention Scheme are via referral from a speech and language therapist, school or nursery.