Wells Park School

Wells Park School is a residential special school for children with social, emotional and mental health difficulties, aged 5-11, in Chigwell.

How it can help

Wells Park School works with boys who have a range of complex social, emotional, and mental health (SEMH) needs.

The children board at Wells Park School from Monday to Friday during term time.

The children arrive at school on a Monday morning and leave on Friday, spending four evenings and nights at the school.

Wells Park offers a specialist, therapeutic environment. The education team at Wells Park School strive to help children who have disengaged from school and learning, to develop strategies to manage their behaviour in a classroom.


5 to 11


To apply to a special school, a pupil must have:

  • an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP).
  • complex, high needs that cannot be met in a mainstream setting.

How to access

Pupils are placed at Wells Park School by the Local Authority through the EHCP process.

For a child to be admitted, the school must be named, by their home local authority, in the child’s Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP).

Further information on admissions to Wells Park School can be found on the school’s website.


Wells Park School, School Lane
Lambourne Road, Chigwell
Epping Forest
United Kingdom

Venue accessibility

Accessible by public transport

Special need

Social, emotional and mental health

Area(s) covered


Can siblings without SEND also attend




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