West Essex Inclusion Project

Supports children and young people with a learning disability and/or autism, children with a physical and/or sensory impairment through sport and leisure activities across West Essex.

How it can help

The Inclusion Project operates across West Essex and runs activities during both term time and school holidays.

Supporting children with a learning disability and/or autism aged 0-14, children with a physical and/or sensory impairment aged 0-14. Activities include soft play, stay and play, sports sessions, holiday programmes and sensory sessions.

The Inclusion Project is one of Essex's Short Break providers. 


0 to 14 years


Open to all

How to access

Book on the Epping Forest website

Activities run after school during term time and all day during school holidays. 

Special need

Blind and partially sighted
Deaf and hearing loss
Learning disability
Life limiting conditions
Physical disability
Sensory processing needs
Social, emotional and mental health
Speech, language and communication

Area(s) covered

Epping Forest

Can siblings without SEND also attend



Cost varies depending on the session.

Is the service available online?


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