Young People with Disabilities Team

A Social Care team who support disabled young people with complex needs and their families.

How it can help

A disabled child open to the Children with Disabilities Team will move to the Young People with Disabilities Team around the age of 16. 

The Young People with Disabilities team will complete a Care Act Assessment before the age of 18. This will help to identify any eligible support needs the young person may have as an adult. These are needs which cannot be met with support from family, friends or community resources.

If additional support is required the team will plan with the family how best to meet these needs.

The assessment and support plan will be reviewed regularly to reflect changes in the young person’s individual circumstances.

The Young People with Disabilities Team tailor their support to the needs of the family. This may include

  • helping parents to find support within their local community
  • supporting young people with the transition into adulthood
  • providing advice and support to families experiencing difficulties managing their child’s care and behaviour in the home
  • a personal budget 
  • short breaks for parents and carers at home or in a different setting
  • short break overnight provision for children and young people with complex care and behavioural needs
  • community-based short breaks
  • child protection and adult safeguarding
  • support for young people in care


16 to 25


Disabled young people in education aged 16 to 25 years whose needs cannot be met by support at a lower level.

How to access

Referrals can be made via the children and families hub. Families can make a referral via telephone or by completing a Request for support form.

Children open to the Children with Disabilities team will transfer to the Young People with Disabilities Team at an appropriate time for them.

Area(s) covered

Castle Point
Epping Forest



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