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185 results found

Sam's Place

Sam's Place offer a Youth Club and Saturday Club during the school term, and Play Scheme in the main school holidays (Christmas, Easter and Summer)

SEND Information, Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS)

Multiple locations
A confidential and impartial information, advice and support service on issues related to special educational needs and disability (SEND). They can help with issues related to education, health and social care

Sense Sensory

Local provider and installer of sensory rooms, de-escalation rooms, padding, and soft play. They also sell multi-sensory equipment.

SET Keyworker Service

Multiple locations
Supports children and young people with complex needs who are inpatients in, or at risk of being admitted to, a mental health hospital

Share Clubs

A registered charity providing a range of activities for children and young people with additional needs.

Shared Lives Service

Multiple locations
The scheme provides accommodation and support, or regular stays or visits, with an approved Shared Lives Host

Shorefields School

Shorefields School is a special school for children with severe learning difficulties, aged 3-19, in Tendring.