99 results found NHS - Live Well Link Well Multiple locations A free and confidential social prescribing service that provides practical or emotional support of a non-medical nature. NHS - Neurodevelopmental pathway – North East Essex Multiple locations Provides telephone support to children and young people with a neurodevelopmental condition and their family Not A-Typical Support Group Multiple locations A community led support group for parents and carers of neurodiverse children and adults. Ormiston Families - Breaking Barriers Multiple locations Provides specialist support for children and young people affected by the imprisonment of a close family member PACT for Autism Harlow A charity offering support for parents, carers, autistic individuals and families. Parental Education Growth Support (PEGS) Nationwide A service supporting those experiencing child to parent abuse. Parents 1st Essex Multiple locations A peer to peer support service offering support during pregnancy, birth and beyond. ParentShield Nationwide A child-safe and parent friendly mobile network for children and vulnerable young people Rainbow Trust Children's Charity Nationwide A charity providing support to children with a life threatening or terminal illness and their families. Relate - Counselling Services Multiple locations Relate offer counselling services to children and young people, and family counselling Pagination First page « First Previous page « Prev … Page 5 Page 6 Current page 7 Page 8 Page 9 … Next page Next » Last page Last »
NHS - Live Well Link Well Multiple locations A free and confidential social prescribing service that provides practical or emotional support of a non-medical nature.
NHS - Neurodevelopmental pathway – North East Essex Multiple locations Provides telephone support to children and young people with a neurodevelopmental condition and their family
Not A-Typical Support Group Multiple locations A community led support group for parents and carers of neurodiverse children and adults.
Ormiston Families - Breaking Barriers Multiple locations Provides specialist support for children and young people affected by the imprisonment of a close family member
PACT for Autism Harlow A charity offering support for parents, carers, autistic individuals and families.
Parental Education Growth Support (PEGS) Nationwide A service supporting those experiencing child to parent abuse.
Parents 1st Essex Multiple locations A peer to peer support service offering support during pregnancy, birth and beyond.
ParentShield Nationwide A child-safe and parent friendly mobile network for children and vulnerable young people
Rainbow Trust Children's Charity Nationwide A charity providing support to children with a life threatening or terminal illness and their families.
Relate - Counselling Services Multiple locations Relate offer counselling services to children and young people, and family counselling