How it can help
The West Essex Children’s Community Physiotherapy team work with children with neurodevelopmental, orthopaedic, motor difficulties and musculoskeletal (MSK) problems.
They work together as part of an integrated Therapy team with parents, carers and the team around the child, for example Health Visitors, School Nurses, doctors, education colleagues and social workers.
They see children in a variety of environments including community hospitals, homes, schools, early years settings and Family Hubs, to achieve a child’s best potential.
The team provide programs and advice to support children to meet their physical potential. This can be:
- Postural management advice this can include use of specialist equipment and walkers where needed.
- Advice on strengthening and stretching programs for school and home.
- Advice on activities to progress developmental milestones.
- Child specific advice on access and manual handling within home and school.
- Advice on pacing and activity adaptation.
Where needed this could include assessment for specialist equipment to support:
- postural management at home or school
- hospital discharge
- palliative care
- the management of short-term conditions such as after surgery
0 to 18, or up to 19 if attending a West Essex Special School (excluding Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy)
Children and young people who are registered with a GP in the West Essex area and are not inpatients
How to access
Referral from one of the following required:
- GPs
- Healthy Family Team (e.g. Health Visitors, School Health Nurses)
- Acute and community paediatric health services
- SENCOs in educational settings
- Children’s Social Care and Preventative Services
Opening hours
Excluding Bank Holidays