Provides support for children, young people and their families with additional and complex needs throughout their school lives within special schools
How it can help
The team of specialist nurses and assistants work with children attending the following schools:
- Kingsdown School
- Lancaster School
- Cedar Hall
- Glenwood School
- St Nicholas School
- St Christopher’s School
They offer training for other health and care professionals, parents, carers and colleagues within education, enabling individuals to support young people within school and early years setting.
The team also has two designated members of staff who provide respite and short breaks to children and young people aged 0 to 16 who have the most complex needs.
0 to 18
Children and young people who attend any of the following schools:
- Kingsdown School
- Lancaster School
- Cedar Hall
- Glenwood School
- St Nicholas School
- St Christopher’s School
How to access
Via the child or young person's school
Term-time only