Section B – Special educational needs (SEN)

Section B describes your child or young person’s special educational needs. Needs is another word for difficulties or barriers to learning.   

Section B should: 

  • include all your child’s difficulties and how this presents a barrier to learning
  • explain what difficulties your child has because of their diagnosis or condition  
  • accurately describe your child or young person, including what supports their learning

It is a good idea to look at section B with the reports in front of you.  


Ahmed can focus and maintain attention for periods of up to 10 minutes. However, he struggles to maintain this on his own and he often makes noises and moves around a lot in class. This can be disruptive to his own learning. 

Ruby’s spoken language is at an early stage of development. She communicates through a mixture of single words, gesture and Makaton signing. 

Jack plays well on his own. However, he finds it extremely difficult to engage with other children or to make friends with his peers.