What to do if you're receiving healthcare services

When you move house, it’s important to check if you’re moving to a different: 

  • healthcare provider
  • GP or hospital
  • community healthcare service
  • mental health service 

Find out how to register with a GP on the NHS website 

Which GP you are with can affect which healthcare providers you have access to. 

Moving to a different healthcare provider 

Depending on where you move, you might be moving between healthcare providers. 

Find out how healthcare works in Essex 

What the provider should do 

Your current provider should inform you about the next steps, and give you documents to confirm: 

  • your child’s care is being transferred and not discharged
  • that the new service will continue with the child’s care
  • the name of the new provider
  • contact details in case you do not hear from the new service 

What you need to do  

If you move between healthcare providers, you should: 

  • request your current provider sends a copy of your child’s notes to the new service
  • request a copy of your child's notes for yourself
  • follow up with your new provider to make sure they have received your child's information
  • confirm next steps with the new provider, such as a follow up appointment
  • confirm if any upcoming appointments will happen as usual or if this needs to be re-booked
  • let them know of any other changes, for example, changes to your child’s GP or educational setting   

Contacting your hospital 

If your child is receiving care from a hospital, either locally or a specialist one such as Addenbrooke’s or Great Ormond Street, you need to contact them. Let them know of any changes, such as your child’s new address, GP or educational setting.   

Find their contact information on any letters you’ve received from the hospital.  

If you do not have any, call the main hospital number and ask for the department that’s been caring for your child.  

If you need help contact the Patient Advice and Liaison Service. 

Find your local patient advice and liaison service on the NHS website 

Informing community health services you are moving 

Depending on your child’s needs, you might be receiving care from community services such as: 

  • community paediatricians
  • therapists, such as occupational therapists, physiotherapists and speech and language therapists
  • specialist health teams such as the Community Children's Nursing Team or Paediatric Continence Service
  • neurodevelopmental pathways such as autism spectrum disorder (ASD), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
  • health visitors and school nurses

You should contact these services and give them your new address and your child’s new GP and educational setting if these have changed too. Do this as soon as possible. 

Mental health services 

If your child is receiving support from Southend Essex Thurrock Children’s and Adolescent Mental Health Services (SET CAMHS), contact them to let them know you’re moving. They also need to know if your child’s educational setting or GP will change too.  

Email: SET-CAMHS.referrals@nelft.nhs.uk 

Phone: 0800 953 0222 

What to do about specialist equipment 

If you loan or are waiting to receive specialist equipment, you should contact your therapy team to discuss options for your new home. Let them know of any other changes, such as a change in educational setting or GP.  

Find out more about specialist equipment